
Upon recommendation by my friend Chirag, I just watched the movie Equilibrium. And I am stunned!

Its the second best Sci-Fi movie I have seen after The Matrix trio. Although the SFX doesn’t match up with that of The Matrices as such, but the concept and the direction is marvellous. As with The Matrices, every frame and the sample in this movie was important to understand the concept.

I guess I will have to add it to my orkut’s favourite movies’ list!

I recommend this movie to every geek out there.

  1. #1 by adam herscher on January 27, 2006 - 5:35 am

    I loved Equilibrium. Completely came out of nowhere and rocked my socks!

  2. #2 by adam herscher on January 27, 2006 - 5:35 am

    I loved Equilibrium. Completely came out of nowhere and rocked my socks!

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